Mineral, lime, oxides, carbonates

The modern papermaking process, especially those who are using recycled fiber, is susceptible to interruptions, and the formation of deposits (inorganic & organic) is one of the most important factors limiting their productivity today. Many problems associated with these deposits are paper breaks, presence of spots, holes, dirt counts, and reduction in drying efficiency due to felt clogging. The process of handling recycled fibers is more complicated than for processing virgin fibers. This is mainly because the waste paper is a mixture of different fiber types or paper grades, which contain contaminants and detrimental substances. These contaminants contribute to organic&inorganic Deposit formation.
In the final stages of the papermaking process, an aqueous mixture of fiber elements and functional additives are delivered on a wire screen, and water is removed by gravity, pressing, suction and evaporation. The growth of microorganisms in the above paper manufacturing processes can cause major technical, economic, and hygienic problems, mainly due to deposit formation. The chemical-physical state and the structures of microorganisms may vary widely in one process and between processes.
Contaminants must be removed to meet quality requirements. If contaminants cannot be removed, their effects must be eliminated. However, despite all efforts to remove these detrimental substances, still, some of them escape from mechanical cleaning and screening in the stock preparation, and these must be treated to avoid deposition.
At GIG Chemie GmbH, we developed a new system methodology to deal with these inorganic & organic disturbing substances to sustain a stable process and keep the system clean in terms of optical, chemical, colloidal, microbiological & processing aspects. We call it the DES, one of the most effective Deposits Elimination Solution package, Made in Germany.
The key is to deal with both inorganic & organic contaminants separately. Prevents inorganic contaminant from precipitating insoluble deposits into the system, eliminates the contact adhesion properties of organic contaminant surfaces and counteracts contaminant deposition by creating a soluble film that keeps the surface of the paper machine fabrics or rolls free from detrimental substances.
GIG Chemie DES additives are added at the beginning of the papermaking process to control the activity associated with organic deposits agglomeration with microorganisms.
The groups of microbial species encountered in the papermaking process always encourage the creation of tacky elements called “stickies.” The tackiness of bacterial deposits is always underestimated. Unless microbial tacky end products are controlled, these microorganisms can bring hi-tech paper machines to a standstill. Bacterial metabolism in biofilms may release aggressive metabolites such as organic or inorganic acids. These contaminations are a considerable part of stickies contamination and their agglomeration.
GIG Chemie DES Additive Program is designed to prevent the formation of inorganic deposits into the system. It was developed to prevent crystallization, coagulation, and deposits on machine parts. Prevention of inorganic substance and agglomeration with tacky and non-tacky products is a target for the DES Program and a part of the stickies control system.
Mineral, lime, oxides, carbonates
Resins, adhesives, waxes, stickies, pitch, polymers
Slimes, moulds, algaes, microorganisms